Money-back Guarantee

You can request a full refund within the first 30 days of service initiation, no questions asked.
Money-back Guarantee

Lumikha's Peformance Guarantee

At Lumikha, we're committed to excellence across all our services. Whether you're utilizing our digital marketing expertise or our back-office teams, we stand behind our work with a comprehensive Performance Guarantee:For all Lumikha services, including digital marketing and back-office support:

30-Day No Questions Asked Refund:

You can request a full refund within the first 30 days of service initiation, no questions asked.

Performance Review and Cure Period:

After the initial 30 days, if you're not satisfied with the performance of our services, we'll conduct a thorough review. We'll then have a 30-day period to address your concerns and optimize our delivery.

Full Refund Option:

If, after our cure period, you still don't see meaningful improvement in the performance of our services, we'll provide a full refund of your investment for the unsatisfactory service period.

To Qualify:

  • You must follow our onboarding process and implement recommended strategies or workflows
  • Provide necessary access and resources for us to execute our services effectively
  • Participate in regular check-ins and strategy meetings
  • Not make significant changes to your business model or service requirements during the guarantee period

Terms and conditions apply. Please contact us for full details.


  • This guarantee applies to all Lumikha services, including digital marketing and back-office support.
  • The client must have a signed service agreement with Lumikha.
  • The guarantee period begins on the official service start date as specified in the agreement.

30-Day No Questions Asked Refund:

  • Clients may request a full refund within the first 30 days of service initiation.
  • Refund requests must be submitted in writing to our customer support team.
  • Refunds will be processed within 14 business days of the request.

Performance Review and Cure Period:

  • After the initial 30 days, clients may request a performance review if dissatisfied.
  • The review must be requested in writing, detailing specific concerns.
  • Lumikha will have 30 days from the request date to address concerns and optimize service delivery.
  • The client must cooperate fully during this period, including attending meetings and providing necessary feedback.

Full Refund Option:

  • If the client remains unsatisfied after the cure period, they may request a full refund.
  • The refund request must be submitted in writing within 7 days of the cure period's end.
  • The refund will cover the period from the initial complaint to the end of the cure period.
  • Refunds will be processed within 30 business days of approval.

Client Obligations:

  • Clients must follow Lumikha's onboarding process and implement recommended strategies or workflows.
  • Necessary access and resources must be provided for Lumikha to execute services effectively.
  • Clients must participate in regular check-ins and strategy meetings as scheduled.
  • No significant changes to the client's business model or service requirements should be made during the guarantee period.


  • This guarantee is limited to one claim per service type per client.
  • The guarantee does not cover damages exceeding the cost of services provided.
  • Lumikha reserves the right to deny guarantee claims in cases of client negligence, misuse of services, or breach of the service agreement.


  • Lumikha reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.
  • Any changes will be communicated to clients and will apply to services initiated after the change date.

Dispute Resolution:

  • Any disputes regarding this guarantee will first attempt to be resolved through good-faith negotiations.
  • If negotiations fail, disputes will be subject to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

By engaging Lumikha's services, the client agrees to these terms and conditions.

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